Stop Harassment Calls from Newmark

End Harassing Phone Calls from Newmark FOREVER AND for FREE!

Have you been wondering which company or numbers are calling you, or if they are contacting the correct person/ party?

· Details of Creditor: Debt collectors must inform consumers about the entity they are collecting debt on behalf of. This includes leaving contact details with the consumer so that there is no ambiguity around the creditor’s identity.

Collection Agencies will often start conversations by asking your full name, address, and the last four digits of your social security number. It can be a very strange way of starting a conversation for the first time. It may sound strange, but collection agencies must make sure they are talking to the correct party before talking about any debt. I have had many clients tell me that they were called for their mother, father, or son or daughters debt because they have a similar name like Junior or Senior. They will also leave messages without saying the name of their company, or that it’s an attempt to collect a debt. Both of those are violations. If this has happened, contact us for a FREE Consultation.

If you think a company has violated the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, Get FREE LEGAL HELP from Legal Rights Advocates! Contact us at (855) 254-7841 as well as our website:

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Are debt collectors harassing you? Call us and receive guidance on your rights and potential violations for FREE!

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