Social Security Disability

Help Filing Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) needs to be backed by medical evidence to increase the chances of acceptance. However, the process of applying for benefits can be detail-oriented and it is natural to feel overwhelmed to the point of missing out on critical application essentials, including the paperwork. Ideally, you should seek help with filing for disability benefits since it can boost your chances of getting it right.

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When applying for SSDI, you also need to keep a sharp watch on the timeline. This is because in the event of a denial, you can appeal for a review of the decision within 60 days of receiving the note of denial. There are other options open to you, including requesting a hearing with an administrative law judge. However, only a professional social security disability attorney can help you with these various options, including the actual process of filing and representation, as needed.

When thinking of filing for SSDI

If you have experienced any of the following, we suggest you get legal help:

  • Letter of denial of SSDI/SSI benefits
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the process of application for the benefits
  • You have an upcoming hearing for your benefits

We have compiled a number of things to help you when consider applying for SSDI benefits:

  • Get in touch with a SSDI attorney to verify your medical paperwork and other documents prior to submission
  • Be prepared for a rejection. Your attorney can help you with it better, in terms of applying for a review, etc.
  • Check whether your condition is eligible for disability benefits or not
  • Check the paperwork on your work history

What we do

Ours is a team of professionals who understand what it is like to apply for SSDI/SSI benefits and the dejection when you are facing a denial. It is a process that can involve lot of paperwork together with attention to details. We strongly suggest you get help with the process of applying for disability benefits, given the high instance of denials.

Our experience enables us to guide you better, even in preparing you for the process while ensuring all basics such as paperwork, etc. are complete. We help our clients from the time of application, through denial and representation at hearings. Call us at (855) 254-7841 to discuss your situation.


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