Consumer Protection Lawyer

If you or someone you know is facing harassment in the form of unsolicited phone calls from collectors, you can seek legal help by calling a Consumer Protection Lawyer. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act A) offers protection from creditor and debt collection calls causing interruptions at work or even in the middle of important chores at home; check out the details from an lawyer.

Call to Speak with a Consumer Protection attorney Today. We are a FREE service.
Call Now for Immediate Help (855) 254-7841.

Compiled here is a quick checklist of FDCPA rules to help understand violations: A Consumer Protection lawyer can elaborate more if you call.

  • Calling residences before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. is prohibited.
  • If consumers request that they not be called, their wish has to be honored for 5 years
  • When calling somebody, the caller has to introduce themselves and the intent for which they are calling
  • Calls made using automated recording equipment are prohibited

Did you know that if the FDCPA guidelines are violated, you can sue for up to $500 for each violation or recover the monetary loss, whichever is higher. You may also seek an injunction or both, injunction and the money. If the violation of FDCPA guidelines is willful, consumers can sue for damages up to three times, or $1500 per violation. A Consumer Protection lawyer can explain how it works and how you can file a complaint.

Call a Consumer Protection lawyer who understands FDCPA law now.

We are in the business of helping out victims of unfair debt collection practices. Talk to one of our attorneys at (855) 254-7841 to understand your legal rights under the FDCP guidelines. Debt harassment is against the law in this country. Call our office and ask to speak with a friendly consumer advocate. We don’t charge any out of pocket expense and we only get paid if you win your claim. Call and Speak with a Consumer Protection lawyer today.


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